
In the vast expanses of the digital universe, there are fascinating terrains shaped by passionate communities. One such landscape is the world of fan communities. From books to movies to video games, these groups provide a rich environment for people to celebrate their love and devotion. But this fascination goes far beyond entertainment. It finds expression in Archive of Our Own (AO3), a platform that serves not only as a repository for fan creations, but also as a reflection of the deeper needs and fantasies of many people. Here, fans can bring their creative outpourings to life in their favourite series or universes - be it through romantic fantasies, alternate universes, alternate endings or by adding missing elements to the original work. By reading and writing on AO3, they can express their longings and aspirations and find a place for sharing and boundless creativity. With over 12 million works from more than 64,000 different series, AO3 has created a world where more than 6.9 million people currently share their fantasies and creations.

On Archive of Our Own, users express their appreciation for works they like through “Kudos”. These Kudos can be compared to “likes” and serve as a strong indicator of which works are particularly well received. In my next project, I set out to find out which works are most highly rated by the largest communities on AO3 and, more importantly, why.

  • What themes fascinate fans the most?
  • Are there specific genres or tropes that are particularly prevalent in the most popular works on AO3?
  • Are there specific characters and relationships that are crucial to the popularity of certain works?
  • How does the presence of certain ships (character relationships) affect the popularity of fanworks?
  • How does the popularity and recognition of works differ between different series on AO3?

My journey into the world of fanfiction began with One Direction on Wattpad, and I’ve enjoyed reading fanfiction ever since.Over time I moved over to AO3.AO3 represents something very personal and intimate, where users often prefer not to reveal what they are reading. This aspect of privacy and the richness of creative expression on AO3 inspired me to develop these questions and delve deeper into the subject.

This is a topic of great personal interest to me, as fanfiction has been an important part of my life for many years. Exploring the dynamics of these communities and the reasons behind the popularity of certain works on AO3 not only satisfies my curiosity, but also contributes to the understanding of digital communities. By analysing these patterns, we can gain insights into the collective imagination and desires of a diverse and vibrant online community.